High-quality animated and non-animated videos, audio and graphical content, produced with technical and IP rigor and IP intellectual property.
From behavioral research and testing concepts, to creative production and measuring impact – it’s all in-house.
Financial Health model for the gig economy workers (English)
Fecal sludge management initiative – P-OP process communication (English)
Farmer Education on changing pesticide habits (Gujarati)
Mass entrepreneurship development initiative launch communication (Hindi)
Importance of COVID-19 vaccination (Marathi)
SME Banking product introduction (English)
Financial literacy program MoneyWise (Sadari, a tribal Jharkhand dialect)
Importance of Clean Water, Sanitation & Hygiene and WASH loans (Hindi)
Microfinance center meeting process awareness (Assamese)
Preventing microfinance staff frauds (Telugu)
Rural banking & Tractor loan offerings communication (Hindi)
Micro-Credit awareness program (Hindi)
COVID-19 awareness & prevention (Oriya)
Importance of Credit score (Rajasthani)
Importance of washing hands – as COVID-19 awareness & prevention (Punjabi)