High-quality animated and non-animated videos, audio and graphical content, produced with technical and IP rigor and IP intellectual property.
From behavioral research and testing concepts, to creative production and measuring impact – it’s all in-house.
Ready library of video topics across developmental thematic areas.
Fully customised to the audience type and program requirements.
Financial Health model for the gig economy workers (English)
Fecal sludge management initiative – P-OP process communication (English)
Farmer Education on changing pesticide habits (Gujarati)
Mass entrepreneurship development initiative launch communication (Hindi)
Importance of COVID-19 vaccination (Marathi)
SME Banking product introduction (English)
Financial literacy program MoneyWise (Sadari, a tribal Jharkhand dialect)
Importance of Clean Water, Sanitation & Hygiene and WASH loans (Hindi)
Microfinance center meeting process awareness (Assamese)
Preventing microfinance staff frauds (Telugu)
Rural banking & Tractor loan offerings communication (Hindi)
Micro-Credit awareness program (Hindi)
COVID-19 awareness & prevention (Oriya)
Importance of Credit score (Rajasthani)
Importance of washing hands – as COVID-19 awareness & prevention (Punjabi)